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Hi and welcome to my page! I’m Lucy and I’m a qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer, Nutrition Advisor and Online Coach.  But, above all that, I’m passionate about helping women feel good about themselves and dispelling all the myths around fad diets and unrealistic exercise regimes!


Five years ago, I was truly fed up with how I looked and felt about myself. I’d tried every diet and workout plan, every App, every internet craze, but with no success. Zero. Nothing. Nada. I realised I had no idea of even the basics when it came to training and nutrition, so how could I possibly achieve the ‘body of my dreams’ if I didn’t know where to start?

So, I took the plunge and contacted an online coach. It was the answer I’d been looking for; education, direction and accountability. Even after a few weeks I could see and feel my body changing!  I even took it to the next level and entered my first bodybuilding/bikini competition which gave me a real sense of achievement!


Fast forward to today and I’m now on the other side, a fully qualified PT helping other women achieve their health and fitness goals. I work with clients both in person and online, each with their own reasons for wanting to lose weight, gain weight, feel strong or to improve their mental wellbeing. What I love is that everyone is different, so no two plans are ever the same!


Whatever your personal goal is, the process doesn’t have to be difficult to achieve it. My role as a coach or trainer is to take away the overwhelming sense of not knowing where to start and or to kick that yo-yo dieting cycle into touch! I provide the tools and the knowledge, so you know exactly what to do moving forward.


Through the With Lucy Fitness program, we work together to build the lifestyle you have always wanted. The clue is in the title. With me, not alone. I’m here with you, every step of the way.

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I help people live a balanced lifestyle whilst achieving their health and fitness goals. 

Sounds easy, right? Well, it is! We tend to overcomplicate health and fitness, assuming things should be harder than they are. All it takes is a priority shift and to tweak or replace current habits with ones that are going to benefit you.


Let me know how I can help you! Whether that’s personal training, or online fitness and nutrition advice, then get in touch with me by booking a FREE consultation.



Working together to make you feel supported and accountable. 

The online package contains: 

  • An initial consultation call to fully understand your goals.

  • A full assessment of your nutrition & training.

  • A nutrition plan specifically tailored to you, taking account of your lifestyle, with macro nutrient breakdown, with weekly adjustments as needed. 

  • A fully bespoke training programme customised to you and the space you have to train in, whether that’s in the gym or at home. 

  • Free access to a coaching app (your pocket personal trainer!) 

  • Weekly check-ins with telephone and video support. 

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If face to face is more your jam, I also offer 1-2-1 mobile Personal Training. I am based in Shrewsbury, but travel all over Shropshire.

  • I come to you if you’re not able to get to the gym, prefer working out in the comfort of your own home, or generally need a push to step things up a gear! 

  • Sessions are pre-planned and uploaded to an app which you can access, free of charge and all equipment is provided.

  • I cater to you and your needs to ensure the workouts are progressive and more importantly, enjoyable.



With the power of technology, I train clients all over the country and abroad! 

  • Thanks to Zoom I offer one-to-one virtual sessions at a time to suit you.

  • If you don’t have time for the gym, these sessions can be as quick or as long as you need, helping you stay on your fitness journey.

       So how does it work?

  • We have an initial consultation call to find out your training preferences, limitations and also to get to know one another.

  • You gain access to True Coach, the app where your unique training plan is uploaded to. This can be accessed on your phone and taken anywhere!

  • Prior to our session, you will receive an email inviting you to join the Zoom call.

  • I then take you through your workout, demonstrating and explaining the exercises as well as observing your form and providing feedback and encouragement throughout.

  • I am your virtual Personal Trainer!

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If you’re looking for a little something different, if your goal is to move your body more, to change your lifestyle, to feel supported and accountable or to join a community of likeminded women, then UPLIFT is for you! All you need to do is become a member and get access to everything the program has to offer. 

UPLIFT includes: 

  • Two live workouts per week, both recorded so if you can’t attend live, you can do them in your own time.

  • Access to a library of workouts including weight based and high intensity sessions 

  • Relaxation sessions to stretch and mobilise your body after a long week! 

  • Live Q&A sessions and seminars to explore ‘why’ behind all thing’s health and fitness. 

  • Check in calls with me to discuss your progress and ensure you are getting as much out of the programme as possible.


It’s not about weight loss, it’s designed to UPLIFT your wellbeing, education and sense of community. 


Join Now



I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. You've really helped me to change my attitude towards food and I actually enjoy exercise which I never thought would happen!! I'm really happy with my results and I'm looking forward to seeing more differences in the future, based on the help and advice you have given me.


Helen (online client)

I was absolutely hopeless at sticking with a fitness plan/routine, but Lucy has kept me insanely motivated and has pushed me hard! I'm loving how much better and stronger I feel. I have definitely found my love for working out/weight training again.

Nikki (1-2-1 personal training client)

Just under a month working under the fab guidance of Lucy and I'm 16lbs down!! Starting to see small differences now.

Lottie (1-2-1 Personal Training Client)


Thanks for submitting!

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©2021 With Lucy Fitness - Built by Pink Mash

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